Male Breast Reduction Surgery for a More Defined Chest

Male breast reduction surgery, which is a procedure to reduce the enlarged breasts, has gained popularity as it helps men regain their original shape and increase their self-confidence. In this procedure, Dr. Korman removes the excess localized fat and the excess glandular tissue to make your chest area more defined and well-structured. If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, contact Dr. Korman’s Mountain View, San Jose, or Carmel offices to schedule a consultation.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts in male patients, occurs when the regional tissue builds up excessively, causing the appearance of fuller breasts. The condition is not uncommon in pubescent boys as well as older men, and is brought about through many causes, but in most cases there is identifiable cause. All humans have both male and female hormones, and the basic catalyst for breast tissue swelling in this way is hormonal; it happens when there are increased levels of female hormones.

As a condition, gynecomastia does not pose any kind of risk to your health. Before surgery the individual may be required to get additional medical evaluation, as the breast tissue swelling is occasionally symptomatic of a deeper medical problem. However, this does not often impact the surgical options and patients are usually able to proceed with the male breast reduction surgery.

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Gynecomastia Before & After

Causes Of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is often triggered during puberty, when hormone levels are fluctuating during the growth into adulthood, and are therefore unbalanced at times. In such cases, gynecomastia will sometimes naturally go away within two years or so. Still, in the interim this aesthetic symptom can be deeply troubling for young men going through puberty and sometimes carries a lot of influence when it comes to emotional stability, self esteem, and self image.

Healthy teenage boys may be good candidates for male breast reduction, and sometimes choose to undergo an operation due to feeling insecure as a result of the condition. Similar hormonal changes can also happen in older men because of certain medical issues or even medications can throw off the natural balance of hormones in the body. Again, while gynecomastia itself is not dangerous, in some cases it can be an offshoot of another health problem and should be treated accordingly. Dr. Korman can go over such health concerns with patients during the consultation..

What Is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Male breast reduction surgery is plastic surgery to correct gynecomastia, thereby reducing breast size and enhancing and flattening chest contours. In some severe cases, the weight of the excess breast tissue may cause the breast to sag and stretch the dark skin around the nipple (the areola). This will then have to be resized and the extra skin reduced.

Usually, Dr. Korman will begin the two hour surgery by using general anesthesia, and make small incisions in the underarm and around the areola, to allow removal of excess fat and tissue that has built up. Dr. Korman may also perform other supporting procedures, such as liposuction, for optimal results. The outcome will be a defined, leveled, and proportional chest area.

Dr. Korman has over twenty years of experience doing gynecomastia surgery on many types of patients including young men, bodybuilders and older patients. He works hard to make sure that the breast tissue is properly removed and provide exceptional results.

Good Candidates

Good candidates are healthy males who experience gynecomastia. Younger men must have finished growing already, and be reasonably sure that the occurrence of breast enlargement is not a short-term condition that will disappear on its own with time. Candidates of any age must be at a stable – and relatively healthy – weight level.

Note that gynecomastia is not the same issue as pseudogynecomastia. The latter is also characterized by enlarged breasts, but comes about due to the growth of extra fat in the breast, as opposed to the breast tissue growth that characterizes gynecomastia. Pseudogynecomastia may require a different route in terms of surgery, liposuction, or other treatment. An assessment by Dr. Korman during your initial consultation will verify which condition it is in your case and whether male breast reduction surgery will be a viable and effective option.

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Dr. Korman will discuss all aspects of the surgery with you during a consultation visit. In addition to evaluating the health and condition of the patient, he will also answer any questions or concerns about both gynecomastia and the male breast reduction itself. We will also provide financial information regarding costs and financing if you wish. It helps to jot down any queries or concerns you might have for the doctor, as well as relevant personal information including medical history and current medications.

What To Do Before The Surgery

Preparation for the operation will depend on the particulars of each case, which will be discussed during your preoperative visit. In all cases it is advised that patients stop smoking well before the appointed day and avoid anti-inflammatory meds like Advil, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. This is because such drugs thin the blood and can cause a heightened risk of excessive bleeding during the procedure, which can endanger the patient. The same goes for certain herbs and vitamins including vitamin E and others. Be sure to discuss all supplements with Dr. Korman beforehand, even those you may think are insignificant.

What To Expect Following A Male Breast Reduction

The days following male breast reduction surgery are key, and patients may be concerned about short and long-term effects of the procedure. While these will be discussed in more specific detail during your consultation, there are some universal components every person should be aware of.

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The most important thing after an operation is allowing enough time to rest. Lots of rest and good care are essential for the body to heal properly and avoid any post-surgery complications or side effects. Some swelling and pain is to be expected, especially during the first few days, and bruising is also common. Patients should allow a few weeks to recuperate and continue to avoid strenuous activities like heavy lifting or exercise that might impact the chest area during this time.

Following the surgery, Dr. Korman may recommend some medications to be applied or taken orally. Dressings and bandages may also need to be applied to the incisions, and an elastic bandage or a support garment may be required. This will help minimize the swelling while at the same time support your new chest through the healing process. To learn more about what to expect following gynecomastia surgery, contact us online or by telephone today to schedule an appointment to address all questions.

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Results should be fully visible once swelling and bruising recede. Patients will be able to observe the loss of swelling in the breast and its replacement with a flat, chiseled chest characteristic of the classic male body. In a majority of male breast reduction patients, the excessive buildup of tissue in the breasts (gynecomastia) will not return after the procedure. Barring a rare recurrence, you should be able to maintain the sculpted, masculine upper body granted by the surgery indefinitely.


Gynecomastia surgery is generally a very safe procedure. As with any surgery there are always risks of bleeding and infection, but generally these are extremely uncommon. Side effects such as numbness or tingling sensation are rare and will disappear within the healing period. Dr. Korman is happy to address any concerns you have during this time.

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What Is The Cost Of A Male Breast Reduction?

The cost of gynecomastia surgery at Dr. Korman’s Mountain View, Carmel, and San Jose offices will depend on the extent of surgery necessary to achieve the desired results. This can be discussed with the patient care coordinator before your consultation. Patient financing is offered. Generally gynecomastia is considered cosmetic by insurance companies and is therefore not covered.

Dr. Korman has created a safe, nurturing environment in all 3 of his locations for his patients to embark on their plastic surgery endeavor. He urges his patients to remember that a healthy lifestyle is necessary for optimum results and that the patient should feel comfortable with each step of your gynecomastia surgery. All of this can be discussed at your consultation, where you will have a chance to meet the dedicated, experienced staff at any of our offices.

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