Eyelid Surgery for a Youthful Look by Dr. Korman

Dr. Korman is able to remove the appearance of wrinkles, bags and fatty deposits below the eye that increase with age. The eyes give off a youthful brightness after eyelid surgery, and drooping, sagging skin surrounding the eye is lifted and more defined. If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, contact Dr. Korman’s Mountain View facility to schedule a consultation.

What Is Eyelid Surgery?

This procedure can vary depending on the patient’s exact wishes; however, this can be discussed further at your consultation. Eyelid surgery is performed to address a chronically tired, aged, or sad appearance of the eyes that occurs when the eyelids start to sag or excess tissue develops around the eyes. Traditionally, Dr. Korman begins the procedure by making an incision along the lash line, from corner to corner of the eye. Excess skin, tissue and fat will be trimmed, and the eye can then be reshaped if the patient would like. Eyelid surgery takes less than an hour for both eyes, and it ends with Dr. Korman using fine sutures to close the incision. Patients are able to return to their normal activities within seven to ten days.

Eyelid Surgery Before & After

What Can Cosmetic Eye Surgery Treat?

Every eyelid surgery that Dr. Korman performs is highly tailored to the goals and anatomy of his unique patient. Dr. Korman will discuss the outcomes that are possible for his male patients during their private consultation. Individualized male eyelid surgery with Dr. Korman will address:

  • Excess skin and wrinkles around the upper eyelid
  • Ptosis, or drooping eyelids
  • Impaired peripheral vision caused by a drooping eyelid or excess tissue
  • A double eyelid for Asian patients
  • Under-eye bags
  • Excess skin and wrinkles around the lower lid
  • A tired, sad, or aged expression

If you are concerned about the appearance of your eyelids, we invite you to schedule a private consultation to discuss your treatment options with Dr. Korman.

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Benefits Of Male Eyelid Surgery

Male eyelid surgery is one of the most popular male cosmetic procedures for a reason. Our male patients who have received their eyelid surgery from Dr. Korman report that their procedure helped them to:

  • Look more awake and alert
  • Look younger and healthier
  • Reduce wrinkles around their eyes
  • Maintain their masculine features while still seeing a flattering change in the appearance of
  • their eyelids
  • Regain their range of vision
    Feel more confident when speaking to people in both personal and professional settings

Results of male eyelid surgery will rejuvenate your appearance for five to seven years.

woman holding red drink


Candidates for male eyelid surgery are those who have excess skin on their upper eyelids, pockets of fat or sagging skin under their eyes, or droopy lower lids. Patients may want to address what is an overall tired or puffy appearance of their eyelids. The excess skin or fat in the eyelid may be making a candidate look far older than they are. If you are experiencing so much eyelid sagging that it disrupts your peripheral field of vision, you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery. Patients may also just be unhappy with the overall appearance of their eyelids and would like an aesthetic improvement that flatters their face but maintains the masculinity of their features.

Ideal candidates for eyelid surgery are in good overall health with no pre-existing conditions that could interfere with their body’s ability to heal following their surgery. Patients should also have a positive but realistic and open-minded expectation toward any cosmetic procedure. Patients who have dry eyes should consult with Dr. Korman before their eyelid surgery. If a patient is experiencing drooping eyebrows, they should speak to Dr. Korman about what their best facial revitalization options might be.

Your Consultation

You are invited to ask any questions you may have about eyelid surgery or any other facial rejuvenation treatment options that you are considering at this time. Dr. Korman determines his patient’s candidacy for male eyelid surgery during a private, one-on-one consultation. In order to tailor your eyelid surgery to your exact needs, Dr. Korman will examine your face and take photos for reference. He will also discuss your medical history, past procedures, and medication use with you. Notify Dr. Korman if you have any pre-existing conditions at this time. Once Dr. Korman has a good understanding of your goals for your eyelid surgery, he will create a step-by-step treatment plan with you that will address the unique needs of your appearance. We tailor every procedure to the individual needs of our patients. If Dr. Korman believes you are a better candidate for additional or alternative rejuvenating treatments, he will share his professional opinion with you. Many patients combine their male eyelid surgery with another surgery, like a brow lift, or with a treatment of dermal fillers to achieve their ideal, rejuvenated results.

Male Eyelid Surgery With Dr. Korman

Dr. Korman performs uses a variety of surgical techniques in male eyelid surgery. In the upper eyelid, if ptosis is present Dr. Korman will also tighten the muscle which has stretched out over time. In the lower eyelid, Dr. Korman may use the transconjunctival (from the inside) or the transcutaenous (from the outside) approach. If the muscle of the lower eyelid has descended, Dr. Korman will tighten the muscle. Male eyelid surgery is different from traditional eyelid surgery because a different approach is required when removing the excess skin, fat, and tissue from the lids and around the eyes. Care needs to be taken to make sure that the results of the procedure do not detract from patient’s thicker facial muscles or the heavier brow line typically native to male facial features. Patients will be kept comfortable under general anesthesia while Dr. Korman artfully trims excess skin, tissue, and fat from the upper and/or lower eyelids. Dr. Korman performs the procedure by making an incision from corner to corner of the eye, along the lash line. This positions allows the incisions to heal without detectable scarring. Dr. Korman will then tailor the surgery to meet the patient’s goals for their appearance, while still maintaining masculine, youthful balance in their facial features. The incisions will be closed with fine sutures. Dr. Korman can perform eyelid surgery on both eyes in under an hour.

looking up at palm trees

What To Expect Following Eyelid Surgery?

Patients will need to ask a friend or family member to drive them home following their procedure, due to the fact that they still may be feeling the effects of their anesthetic. Patients may also experience a temporary eye sensitivity to light for the first few days of recovery. Patients will receive dark eyeglasses to correct this. Following the procedure, Dr. Korman may recommend an ointment for dryness around the eyes. This ointment can contribute to blurred vision, so we recommend patients give themselves adequate recovery time at home. Your eyes may be wrapped lightly with gauze for the few days of recovery. Dr. Korman will discuss approved over-the-counter methods of relieving any discomfort with you.

You will receive personalized recovery instructions, including information on how to care for your sutures and how you can apply cold compresses for relief. Most patients will take seven days off before they can resume their normal activities. Patients should avoid rubbing their eyes during this period. Additionally, there can be bruising or swelling during the first week of post-operative recovery. Cold compresses can help with these conditions. Sutures will be removed 3-4 days after the eyelid surgery. Activities that can increase blood flow to the eyes, such as bending, lifting, or crying, should be avoided for the first three weeks. To learn more about what to expect following eyelid surgery, contact Dr. Korman’s office to schedule an appointment to address all questions.

Results Of Male Eyelid Surgery

The results of a male eyelid surgery will last for many years. Upper eyelid skin does not grow back and as such often only requires surgery once in a lifetime. However, brow skin continues to descend from gravity over time, and so eventually it may seem as though repeat surgery is necessary. In fact, it may be that in the future you might consider brow surgery or non surgical approaches to lifting your brow. Your upper eyelids will sit in a more lifted, youthful position. Your eyelid surgery will also reduce the puffiness, excess tissue, and loose or sagging skin in your lower eyelids. The end result will be alert, healthy-looking eyes. The eyes truly define the face. Dr. Korman performs eyelid surgery with an artistic hand and deep understanding of the needs of the male facial structure. Your eyelid surgery will restore balance to your face and deliver results that look most appropriate and natural to you.

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What Is The Cost Of Eyelid Surgery In Mountain View, California?

The cost of eyelid surgery will depend on the extent of surgery necessary to achieve the desired results. This can be addressed at your initial consultation. Patient financing is offered. Eyelid surgery is able to remove signs of aging that are preventing your eyes from standing out. Call Dr. Korman’s helpful staff today to schedule a consultation and learn more.

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