Achieve Facial Balance with Rhinoplasty

While not everybody is this lucky genetically, there are ways to achieve facial balance without being born with it. For many people, the nose is the main feature that throws off the symmetry of their faces. Not only is it one of the first things others see when they meet us, but it also creates a framework for the rest of the face. If the nose is too large, long, wide, or even small, it can affect a person throughout their life. In many cases, the nose is subject to serious injury or breakage, which causes it to look out of place, crooked, or off-center. For any of these conditions, rhinoplasty is an effective surgical solution designed to correct anything from nasal contour to functionality.

Benefits Of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can improve a patient’s look and bring about a change in their self-esteem after all is said and done. This is what makes the surgery so rewarding for those who have it. Physical improvements are not the only thing they walk away with, and Dr. Joshua Korman is there to guide his patients toward their physical goals from the consultation stage to the recovery stage. Dr. Korman has extensive knowledge and experience in performing rhinoplasty surgery that dramatically improves the appearance of the nose – and even its functionality.

Depending on what the patient wants, our surgeon is able to reduce the size of the nose, reshape it, and change the nostril size, or alter the angle between the nose and upper lip. Patients love the individualized treatment they get with this procedure, and that Dr. Korman is able to give them an accurate depiction of their end results. If you are tired of feeling self-conscious about the size or shape of your nose, contact our Los Altos, Mountain View, San Jose, or Carmel-by-the-Sea office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Korman.

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Why Choose Korman Plastic Surgery For Nose Surgery?

As among the most delicate and complex of facial surgeries, rhinoplasty requires the precision of a perfectionist and the eye of a seasoned artist. With over 20 years of expertise, Dr. Joshua Korman is a lauded, board-certified plastic surgeon who was honored as a “Top Doctor” for 2017-2023 by Castle Connolly. He possesses the meticulous attention to detail and passion for aesthetic excellence so necessary to produce a seamless, natural-looking outcome.

Thanks to his innovation and unwavering commitment to safety, Dr. Korman is an oft-requested speaker and author, having contributed to numerous media programs and publications, including ABC’s “20/20”, CNN, The New York Times, and Ebony Magazine. Dr. Korman currently serves as Adjunct Clinical Professor of Surgery at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, where he helps to shape the brightest scientific minds of tomorrow. Dr. Korman comes from an esteemed educational background that informs his painstaking work and stunning results.

He received his bachelor’s and medical degrees from Cornell University, graduating at the top of his class (Alpha Omega Alpha). He then pursued elite plastic surgery training at Stanford before being chosen for competitive Fellowship training at Canniesburn Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland. To further hone his skill set, Dr. Korman also completed a Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship in Miami, Florida. Dr. Korman is proud to serve patients throughout the country and the entire globe, with a focus on those in and beyond Los Altos, San Jose, Carmel-by-the-Sea, and Mountain View.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

Surgical rhinoplasty began in ancient Egypt and India. Sushruta Samhita and his medical team originally developed the procedure to reconstruct noses and other body parts that had been amputated during religious ceremonies, or criminal punishments. In modern times, it is most commonly used to improve the look and shape of the nose. It can also enhance the functionality of the nasal passages for those who have breathing issues or serious sleep apnea. During the surgery, incisions made from the inside of the nostrils sever the tissue from the bone. At this point, a number of different methods are available to reshape the cartilage in the nose. Whether reducing or enhancing the nasal structure, Dr. Korman will have planned his exact surgical approach during the consultation.

Rhinoplasty Before & After

Closed Vs. Open Rhinoplasty

There are two techniques that can be used, depending on the patient’s situation. Closed rhinoplasty alters the nasal structure from the inside of the nostrils. Open rhinoplasty, which is usually used for more complicated cases, involves the severing of the septum. For patients needing to reinforce the structure of their nose, cartilage is often used from other parts of the body such as the ribs or ear. This is common if too much bone or cartilage was removed during a previous surgery.

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Using Advanced Imaging Technology To Optimize Your Results

With this procedure, Dr. Korman is able to use state-of-the-art computer programming to help each patient visualize how his or her nose can be realistically altered. This helps both the patient and surgeon visualize a common goal. Dr. Korman begins the actual surgery by making a small incision inside the nostril and then separating the bone and tissue. At this point, there are numerous options in which the cartilage can be reshaped or trimmed, bone can be shaved, and many more. This depends on what Dr. Korman and you have decided upon as your cosmetic goal.

Candidates For Rhinoplasty

Patients whose faces have developed fully will see the best results from rhinoplasty. This usually means that a teenager can get a nose job, but he/she must be thoroughly examined by Dr. Korman to confirm that the face has fully grown. Most candidates for rhinoplasty are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose and want to improve its look and contour. A smaller number of candidates seek out this procedure because they are experiencing complications or pain due to past injury or misalignment of the nasal structure.

Patients are good candidates for rhinoplasty as long as they are healthy and don’t have any medical conditions or illnesses that might complicate the surgery or healing process. It is also important for candidates to have a realistic idea of what the surgery can achieve physically. This is assessed by the doctor during the consultation, and can be discussed until both the doctor and patient are on the same page. If a patient meets all of these criteria and has a positive attitude, rhinoplasty is the best surgical option available.

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What To Expect During A Consultation

During the consultation, Dr. Korman will answer any questions that a patient may have.

It is important for patients to do their own research prior to the consultation so that they can make a list of their questions for the doctor. A thorough examination of the nose evaluates the inside structures and outside angles. Dr. Korman will measure the protrusion of the nose from the face and the width of the upper, middle, and lower sections. These measurements will help to determine the best surgical approach to address a patient’s concerns.

Comparison of the nose to the shape of the face is important to make sure a balanced look is achieved after surgery. Once a game plan for surgery is selected, the patient is briefed on the necessary precautions to take leading up to the surgery. Patients will be advised to select a friend or family member to care for them after surgery, and drive them to all follow-up appointments.

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Procedure & Recovery

Several different kinds of rhinoplasty can be performed depending on each patient’s needs.

Reduction Rhinoplasty

This procedure resizes the nose to better fit the patient’s facial features. Specifically, it can remove or reduce bumps on the bridge of the nose or shorten an elongated nasal tip. It can also be used to correct oversized nostrils. During the surgery, Dr. Korman removes small pieces of bone or cartilage until the ideal size and shape are achieved. For reducing the nostril size, small pieces of tissue are removed from the area where the nostril attaches to the face. The area is then reattached with sutures for healing.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

This procedure utilizes bone or tissue grafting to build up the tip or bridge of the nose. If possible, cartilage is used from the septum. If there isn’t enough tissue in the nose, cartilage will be used from other areas such as the rib bone.

Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty

This procedure is performed if a patient has suffered an injury to the nose. The surgery corrects both the look and the functionality of the nose. After injury, it is often necessary to straighten the nose as many patients have a broken nose. In some cases, the nose may need to be re-fractured and set to a more appropriate angle.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

This procedure is necessary for patients who have lost part of or all of their noses as a result of an accident, skin cancer, or serious illness. This procedure rebuilds the nose with skin grafts, flap techniques, and other very complicated methods. Because of the difficulty of this procedure, the final result may require multiple surgeries over a number of months. It is imperative for patients to adhere to strict limitations on their activity in order to make sure there is no injury or irritation of the nose. During sleep or rest, the head should always be elevated. Soft foods should be eaten and the face should be kept still as often as possible. Shirts that button up the front should be worn for the first couple of weeks to avoid irritating or brushing the nose. Tooth brushing should be kept very gentle and patients should also avoid blowing their noses.

Patients should take baths rather than showers to avoid wetting the bandages, and cold compresses should be used often to reduce swelling. No strenuous activities are permitted for up to fourteen days following the procedure. Sodium intake should be reduced or eliminated to assist in the reduction of swelling. All glasses or sunglasses should be avoided, so as not to put pressure on the bridge of the nose during recovery. A splint will be placed around the nose immediately after the surgery to protect it. Self-dissolving and external stitches will be removed approximately one week after the surgery. Pain, swelling, and fluid drainage can be alleviated with pain medication and ice packs, which contract the blood vessels and reduce swelling. The most important thing is for a patient to follow the recovery plan to the letter. This allows for patients to experience the best final outcome and a genuine boost in confidence.

Reconstructive Rhinoplasty

This procedure is necessary for patients who have lost part of or all of their noses as a result of an accident, skin cancer, or serious illness. This procedure rebuilds the nose with skin grafts, flap techniques, and other very complicated methods. Because of the difficulty of this procedure, the final result may require multiple surgeries over a number of months. It is imperative for patients to adhere to strict limitations on their activity in order to make sure there is no injury or irritation of the nose. During sleep or rest, the head should always be elevated. Soft foods should be eaten and the face should be kept still as often as possible. Shirts that button up the front should be worn for the first couple of weeks to avoid irritating or brushing the nose. Tooth brushing should be kept very gentle and patients should also avoid blowing their noses.

Patients should take baths rather than showers to avoid wetting the bandages, and cold compresses should be used often to reduce swelling. No strenuous activities are permitted for up to fourteen days following the procedure. Sodium intake should be reduced or eliminated to assist in the reduction of swelling. All glasses or sunglasses should be avoided, so as not to put pressure on the bridge of the nose during recovery. A splint will be placed around the nose immediately after the surgery to protect it. Self-dissolving and external stitches will be removed approximately one week after the surgery. Pain, swelling, and fluid drainage can be alleviated with pain medication and ice packs, which contract the blood vessels and reduce swelling. The most important thing is for a patient to follow the recovery plan to the letter. This allows for patients to experience the best final outcome and a genuine boost in confidence.

Alternative Treatments

Rhinoplasty doesn’t have any comparable techniques to shape and repair the nose. Some doctors have experimented with the use of injectables to fill dents or narrow areas of the bridge of the nose but this has not had the long-lasting results that the surgery has. The fillers are metabolized and the nose eventually goes back to its previous form, and this is after only a few short months. For patients with severe asymmetry or structural issues, fillers are not able to correct their conditions. That being said, it is clear that rhinoplasty is both an irreplaceable and effective surgery.

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Prices for rhinoplasty vary depending on the technique or combination of techniques that Dr. Korman employs. The most important factor is that the patient is pleased with the final outcome. Dr. Korman’s practice offers reasonable financing plans so that patients of every income level can have the surgery they need to look their best.

During the consultation, he will give the patient a price quote and they can decide what payment options work best for their budget before the surgery happens. It is important to remember that when choosing a plastic surgeon it is not the time to bargain hunt. A quality surgery will not be priced too high, but it will also not be the cheapest option. Patients can rely on Dr. Korman’s expertise and years of experience when they choose him as their surgeon.

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Rhinoplasty FAQs

What Is The Difference Between “Open” And “Closed” Rhinoplasty?

Will Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty?

Can Other Procedures Be Performed In Combination With Rhinoplasty?

What Are The Risks Of Rhinoplasty?

Can I Have Rhinoplasty And Still Maintain My Ethnic Identity?

What Is The Difference Between “Open” And “Closed” Rhinoplasty?

With a closed procedure, incisions are created inside the nose where scarring will later be invisible. Open rhinoplasty involves an incision at the base of the nose across the columella. While visible, this scar heals very well and is virtually unnoticeable except to you and your surgeon. Dr. Korman is highly skilled at performing both techniques and will select the best approach for your unique concerns and anatomy.

Will Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty?

When rhinoplasty is performed for strictly cosmetic reasons, it is rarely covered by insurance. However, if you require nose surgery due to obstructed breathing or a deviated septum, insurance companies may cover all or part of the fees. Our office can assist you in navigating the insurance process if needed.

Can Other Procedures Be Performed In Combination With Rhinoplasty?

Yes. Most commonly, rhinoplasty is performed in combination with chin augmentation or chin reduction, procedures that help to balance the profile and ensure harmony between the features. If you are interested in combining procedures, speak with Dr. Korman during your private consultation in Los Altos, Mountain View, San Jose, or Carmel-by-the-Sea.

What Are The Risks Of Rhinoplasty?

As a complex and delicate surgical procedure, rhinoplasty naturally comes with some risks. These include anesthesia risks, infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, numbness, contour irregularities, asymmetry, nasal septal perforation, inhibited breathing, skin discoloration, and the need for revision surgery. Risks are greatly minimized by choosing a board-certified facial expert such as Dr. Korman, who has over 20 years of verified expertise.

Can I Have Rhinoplasty And Still Maintain My Ethnic Identity?

Yes. Dr. Korman is adept at performing “ethnic rhinoplasty”, a procedure that preserves each patient’s unique heritage while still reducing the aesthetic flaws that concern them. Ethnic rhinoplasty seeks to help patients look like the best version of themselves possible without imposing Westernized, Caucasian-centric beauty ideals.

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