Otoplasty is the correction of misshapen or protruding ears, whether through surgical or non-surgical means.
Otoplasty can be performed on adults as well as children, so long as the patient’s ears are fully developed. It is more commonly performed on young children due to their ears being more malleable than those of adults, but also as a means of avoiding dreaded childhood teasing. Many people have suffered humiliation from cruel, schoolyard taunts about their large, protruding ears. This can be detrimental to anyone’s confidence and cause constant worry about the appearance of your ears. For both infants and adults alike, Dr. Joshua Korman can perform Otoplasty to sculpt, pin back, or reduce the size of ears. Deformity of the ears can be present from birth or caused by sudden trauma. In either case, Otoplasty is a means of restoring the ear to a more natural size and/or shape.
This procedure varies depending on what you’re specifically looking to correct. Dr. Korman usually begins his Otoplasty procedure by making a small incision behind the ear, where scarring is minimal and not visible to the eye. At this point, cartilage can be trimmed or sculpted to your wishes. The ears can also be pulled back if they are protruding. Sometimes, Dr. Korman removes no cartilage, trimming the skin and folding the cartilage back. Again, to best decide what would produce your ideal results, a consultation with Dr. Korman is necessary. Upon completion of your Otoplasty, stitches will be used to close the incision. After the necessary recovery time, you will be left with beautifully proportionate ears.