Rejuvenate Your Look: Facelift for Natural-Looking Results

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, leading to the formation of wrinkles, jowls, and a tired appearance. Additionally, the midface may descend, resulting in hollowing under the eyes and a lack of definition in the cheek area. Facial fat redistribution and volume loss further contribute to an aged and less vibrant look. A facelift modifies and tightens the underlying fascia– connective tissues beneath the skin- in order to produce natural-looking results. 

Long-Lasting Results with Deep Plane Facelifts by Dr. Joshua Korman

At Korman Plastic Surgery, Dr. Joshua Korman specializes in deep plane facelifts, offering patients the opportunity to achieve long-lasting results that can last 10 years or more. Unlike traditional facelift techniques that primarily address the superficial layers of the face, the deep plane facelift targets the deeper structures and muscles of the face for a more significant and transformative outcome. As a board-certified surgeon, researcher, and professor with over 20 years of experience, Dr. Korman utilizes the latest techniques and strategies to precisely meet the unique needs of each patient. To get started with a personal consultation, please call one of the following locations or inquire through our contact form: 

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Facelift Before & After Photos

About Facelifts

Research into cosmetic facelifts, also called rhytidectomies, first began in the early 1900s. In the early days, the procedure only tightened the overlying skin of the face, so it did not provide dramatic changes in the same way facelifts do today. In 1976, a layer of tissue called the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) was discovered by Dr. Martine Peyronie and Dr. Vladimir Mitz. With strategic tightening and suturing, the SMAS can be manipulated to change the overall shape of the face as a whole, revealing the contours of a patient’s younger self. By focusing on the SMAS, less tension is placed on the skin itself, and surgeons can effectively avoid the “windswept,” over-pulled appearance. The deep plane facelift takes it a step further by not just modifying the SMAS layer but also the underlying structures beneath it.

It was first described by Dr. Sam Hamra in 1990, but techniques since then have been improved upon. With this type of facelift, Dr. Korman targets and releases certain facial ligaments and creates certain points of tension to elevate the tissues. He will also work to elevate the malar fat pads, fat deposits just under the cheekbones, as well as deeper facial muscles. The deep plane enhances and tightens the midface as well as the lower part of the face, so the effects are more pronounced than a SMAS facelift. Finally, all deep plane facelifts include a neck lift, a procedure that corrects sagging skin in the neck caused by weight loss or loss of elasticity. All in all, this procedure works well for those with significant signs of facial aging.

woman smiling wearing a white shirt

Benefits Of A Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift performed by Dr. Korman offers numerous benefits for patients seeking to feel more confident in their facial appearance: 

  • Eliminates jowling, or drooping tissue that forms around the jawline. 
  • Smooths out more severe folds in the lower and midface
  • Reduces nasolabial folds around the mouth 
  • Reduces eye bags
  • Corrects “turkey neck” 
  • Subtly lifts facial features to a more youthful position 
  • Discreet scars are hidden within the hairline
  • Results last more than a decade 
  • Ideal for patients in their 60s and beyond 

Personal Consultation

A personal consultation with Dr. Korman is the first step in achieving your desired facial rejuvenation. During a consultation, he will take the time to understand patients’ unique goals by thoroughly evaluating their medical history. Dr. Korman is an expert in cosmetic surgery with a deep understanding of facial aging and anatomy. He provides every patient with a detailed approach to addressing specific signs of aging. He carefully examines skin quality, muscle tone, and underlying facial structures to determine if a deep plane facelift is the most appropriate procedure. You can also reach us through our contact page and a staff member will assist you promptly.

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Prior to surgery, Dr. Korman evaluates patients’ overall health by conducting blood tests. He also advises every patient to stop using blood thinning medication in order to prevent the risk of bleeding and/or bruising from the procedure. Although smokers are at higher risk for complications, Dr. Korman will consider candidates as long as they refrain from nicotine for at least 4 to 6 weeks. Quitting for this amount of time will allow patients to be able to recover well with a healthier, well-functioning circulatory system.

Patients should also take extra care to protect themselves from sun damage so that their skin is strong and resilient before their facelift appointment. It is highly recommended, surgery or not, to utilize a sunscreen of SPF 30 or more to prevent further wrinkles, sagging, and age spots. Finally, patients should contact a friend or family member who can arrange to pick them up after their surgery is complete. 

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Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

Patients undergoing a deep plane facelift receive general anesthesia for full comfort during the procedure. Dr. Korman will begin with an incision that stretches from the indents and creases around the ear to behind the hairline. From this type of incision on both sides of the head, he can access the underlying structures beneath the skin. He will then reposition and lift the underlying fat, muscles, and connective tissues while also releasing various ligaments beneath the SMAS layer.

For the deep plane technique, the SMAS is not lifted away from the skin, so the face is able to maintain a quality blood supply. In the neck lift portion of the procedure, he will make an incision just below the chin in order to tighten the platysma muscle, a neck muscle that does not play a role in head movement. He will also remove excess skin and fat from this area. Depending on the specifics of your deep plane facelift, Dr. Korman may also use liposuction to further contour the neck. Finally, he will trim away loose skin, redrape it, and close all incisions with sutures that are to be taken out at a later date. He will also place surgical drains to help relieve swelling from fluid buildup. 

Recovery And Results

For your recovery, Dr. Korman prescribes medications so that patients are as comfortable as possible during the first few days. These medications may also aid in minimizing swelling, numbness and bruising. Patients are required to keep their initial bandages on for the next 48 hours. After about 7 days, the sutures and drain/s are removed. The swelling and bruising will likely last about 2 weeks, but patients will be able to go back to work once these side effects begin to subside significantly. It will be safe to resume exercising at around 4 to 6 weeks. Residual swelling is normal for up to 12 weeks or longer, so it is important to be patient while waiting for final results. As results settle in, patients will notice a dramatic reduction of their jowls, significant folds, and droopiness in the lower and midface regions. 

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Cost Of A Deep Plane Facelift In Carmel, CA

It is essential to consider that the cost of a deep plane facelift includes various elements. These may include surgical fees, anesthesia fees, facility fees, and any necessary follow-up care. Each of these components contributes to the overall investment required for the procedure. At Korman Plastic Surgery, our primary goal is to provide patients with the most effective rejuvenation techniques while ensuring comfort and safety. We understand that financial considerations are important, and we strive to offer several financing options such as American HealthCare Lending, CareCredit, Alphaeon, GreenSky, and PatientFi.  To get a more complete understanding of what a deep plane facelift may cost, patients will have to book a free consultation with Dr. Korman.

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Deep Plane Facelift FAQs

What Is The Difference Between A Deep Plane Facelift And A Smas Facelift?

How Long Does It Take To Complete A Deep Plane Facelift?

Do Deep Plane Facelifts Leave Lasting Scars?

What Is The Difference Between A Deep Plane Facelift And A Smas Facelift?

With a SMAS facelift, only the SMAS layer is tightened and lifted. A deep plane facelift involves more complex techniques such as modifying fat deposits and excising ligaments that lie beneath the SMAS layer. In a deep plane technique, the SMAS remains connected to the skin, so there is better blood circulation throughout the face during the procedure. Deep plane facelifts resolve the effects of aging in the middle and lower parts of the face, while some other SMAS lifts only provide results for the lower third of the face.

How Long Does It Take To Complete A Deep Plane Facelift?

Deep plane facelifts typically take 3 or more hours to complete.

Do Deep Plane Facelifts Leave Lasting Scars?

The procedure will leave scars that fade with time and proper care, but they are discreetly placed around the ear and just behind the hairline. Many surgical scars can fade significantly if treated with scar cream or silicone gel.


  1. Mitz V, Peyronie M. The superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS) in the parotid and cheek area. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1976;58(1):80-88. doi:
  2. Raggio BS, Patel BC. Deep Plane Facelift. PubMed. Published 2021. 
  3. Plane Facelift/Rhytidectomy. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2020;36(04):376-385. doi: 
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