Women who experience discomfort or embarrassment due to an enlarged labia may find great benefit in labiaplasty.
About Labiaplasty
Labiaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess tissue on the labia, trimming and shaping it in such a way that minimizes discomfort and provides a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. The labia, consisting of the labia majora and labia minora, are the skin folds around the vagina. The labia majora are the larger folds on the outside of the vagina, and the labia minora are the inner-colored folds that lead directly to the vaginal canal. Excess skin on the labia can lead to hindrances of a woman’s daily activities and even have a poor impact on her sex life.
This intimate topic tends to be “an elephant in the room” conversation, but no need to keep silent anymore. Dr. Korman has provided his vaginal rejuvenation patients with amazing results that greatly improve their overall quality of life. Women can now feel more confident in their own skin.