Rejuvenate Your Legs with an Inner Thigh Lift

As we age, our skin begins to sag, which can give the appearance of wrinkled and excess skin on the thighs. Many women start to notice that their legs don’t look like they once did. Regardless of diet or exercise, the skin of the inner thigh can loosen up due to age, weight loss, or genetics. The saggy skin can make patients look older and feel uncomfortable wearing tight pants, let alone dresses and skirts. This is why the inner thigh lift is becoming an increasingly popular surgery, with an increase of 75% from 2000 to 2020, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The proper treatment for sagging skin of the inner thigh is to support the deeper layers of tissue and remove the extra skin. It is important to separate the skin from the muscle, remove fat, lax skin, and other soft tissues, and then tighten the fibrous connective tissues overlying the muscle. This results in more shapely legs that will maintain their improved look over time. Many women choose to have an inner thigh lift with a combination of liposuction, a minimally invasive method that removes fat deposits. 

Patients seeking to enhance their appearance with a thigh lift should take their time choosing a qualified surgeon who remains up-to-date with the most advanced techniques. If you are looking to achieve incredible results, consider booking a consultation with Dr. Joshua Korman, a board-certified plastic surgeon and Adjunct Clinical Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine. At his practice, Korman Plastic Surgery, everyone’s aesthetic needs, safety, and unique body type are thoroughly taken into account prior to any decision-making. 

About Thigh Laxity

Thigh laxity, or sagginess, occurs when the tissues of the thigh loosen over the years and make the legs appear aged. Although it most commonly occurs in the inner thigh, it can develop throughout the area. As a purely cosmetic issue, there are several reasons why this occurs naturally. Both men and women have fat buildup on their thighs that is less attached to the fascia, or layer of connective tissue. And just like other areas with a larger concentration of fat, the integrity of the dermis of the skin degrades more easily. This layer of skin contains collagen, elastin, and other connective fibers that give the skin its rigid support. Beginning near your mid-30s, the production of these fibers begins to decrease, leading to looser skin that starts to lose its ability to spring back.

The skin contributes greatly to the overall appearance of your thighs. In women, the thighs are particularly prone to cellulite formation, a harmless cosmetic condition that gives the thighs, hips, and buttocks a more lumpy or dimpled look. While many attribute this issue to the fat itself, it is actually caused by a skin-deep problem that is unrelated to weight. Under the dermis layer are fibrous septae, strong bands of tissue that pull down a small area of the skin, allowing fat cells to push up in other areas. Cellulite, loose skin that doesn’t recoil, and significant folding are all signs that a thigh lift could be the most appropriate course of action. 

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Benefits Of A Thigh Lift

By implementing healthier eating and exercise habits, the results of a thigh lift can last 10 years or more. Dr. Korman’s patients will notice several benefits after the procedure: 

  • Attractive, contoured thighs can flatter the rest of your body, improving proportions and harmony. 
  • Skin tightening can reduce the appearance of cellulite. 
  • Due to skin removal, some stretch marks can be eliminated. 
  • There is less chafing between the thighs. 
  • Liposuction with a thigh lift can further sculpt the area. 
  • Incisions are discreetly hidden on the inside of the thighs. 

Personal Consultation

As a top West Coast plastic surgeon, Dr. Korman will take the time with each patient to determine if inner thigh lift is the most advantageous surgery for their body and the desired results. He will not only examine your thigh area but will also assess your medical history and discuss any concerns you may have to determine if an alternative is ideal. He may order blood tests to get a comprehensive view of many aspects of your health. A free consultation is an opportunity for patients to get familiar with the preparation and recovery process involved.

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Inner Thigh Lift Before & After

Procedure Options

Inner Thigh Lift

To complete an inner or medial thigh lift, Dr. Korman will make a short, crescent-shaped incision on the inside of each thigh, near the groin. After resecting the excess skin and fat, supporting fascia is attached to a tendon in the groin, and finally, excess skin is trimmed. The skin is draped over the area, leaving a tighter and contoured thigh. He will place sutures within the thigh area of the bikini line. In some cases, he can perform all the necessary surgical changes with just two incisions in the groin.

Inner Thigh Lift With Liposuction

In addition to an inner thigh lift, many patients choose to include liposuction. While the incision is the same- starting where the thigh and pubic area meet- liposuction can promote smoother-looking contours. Liposuction has also been found to improve surgeons’ incision planning, improving results in some cases.

Inner And Outer Thigh Lift With Liposuction

Some people desire to have an inner thigh lift with a combination of an outer thigh lift, and liposuction. The incision for this procedure differs. The incision begins near the hip and runs to the frontal groin area. This procedure will trim excess skin, fat, and wrinkled skin from the top and inner thigh. This is especially beneficial to those who have lost a significant amount of weight.

Recovery And Results

After the procedure is completed, patients will see results right away, but there will be some swelling and bruising in the area. Dr. Korman directs thigh lift patients to wear a compression garment for 3 to 4 weeks in order to control swelling and further protect the incisions. He will schedule follow-up appointments so that he can identify and address any problems if they arise.

During this recovery time, a friend, family member, or at-home care person should help you with daily activities, as you will want to remain in either a reclining or standing position to help the healing process move along faster. You should take light walks to increase circulation; however, you should not sit in a position that creates a lap posture, as it can affect the results. Though patients should avoid working out for at least 4 weeks, many can return to work within just 7 to 10 days. Within 2 months, most patients are healed enough to admire their final results. 

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Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Laser Skin Tightening

Laser resurfacing is a customized procedure that allows patients to achieve firmer skin, improve skin texture, and diminish multiple types of irregularities such as liver spots, rosacea, and melasma- just to name a few. Though the wavelength- the frequency of the light emitted- may vary, all laser resurfacing devices are designed to stimulate more fibroblast cells within the dermis of the skin. This response to the micro injuries from the laser causes an increased production of collagen and elastin. Lasers can’t correct lax tissue of the thighs the way a thigh lift can, but they can support the health and firmness of the skin in a completely non-invasive way. 

Buttock Lift

A buttock augmentation is meant for those with sagging skin around the buttocks. As a result of the surgical lifting of the buttocks through comfortable, biocompatible silicone implants, it can give the appearance of shapelier thighs.

Cost Of An Inner Thigh Lift In San Jose

At your personal consultation with Dr. Korman, he will evaluate your individual goals, allowing him to create a tailored treatment plan just for you. Following this consultation, we will provide you with a comprehensive estimate for the price of your procedure. At Korman Plastic Surgery, we understand that cost is an important consideration when deciding to undergo any cosmetic procedure. That’s why we strive to provide our patients with transparent and accurate pricing information. If you are interested in making affordable payments, please consider our various financing options

Get in touch with Korman Plastic Surgery by calling one of our numbers listed below, or schedule your consultation using our online form today. Alternatively, you can get familiar with other procedures Dr. Korman performs by reading through his blog. 

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Inner Thigh Lift FAQs

What Kind Of Anesthesia Is Required For A Thigh Lift?

Are Thigh Lifts Suitable For Those Who Have Undergone Bariatric Surgery?

Will I Have Scars From A Thigh Lift?

What Kind Of Anesthesia Is Required For A Thigh Lift?

General anesthesia is administered to the patient prior to a thigh lift procedure.

Are Thigh Lifts Suitable For Those Who Have Undergone Bariatric Surgery?

Patients who have undergone bariatric surgery should wait at least 1 year before undergoing a body contouring procedure, but they are great candidates for the thigh lift.

Will I Have Scars From A Thigh Lift?

Thigh lifts leave scars in the inner thigh and groin area, but they will fade gradually within 1 year. Although they may not completely disappear, many patients are able to minimize their appearance by implementing a diet high in protein and utilizing scar cream or silicone gel.


  1. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2020 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. 2020. 
  2. Rousseaux I, Robson S. Body Contouring and Skin Tightening Using a Unique Novel Multisource Radiofrequency Energy Delivery Method. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. 2017;10(4):24-29. 
  3. Bell, Devin, and Ryan Winters. “Thighplasty.” PubMed, StatPearls Publishing, 2023,

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