Achieve Your Goals with Advanced Laser Treatments

Lasers are able to penetrate the skin without breaking it, reaching deep beneath the surface to activate the body’s own regenerative abilities. Patients can remove unwanted tattoos or hair and eliminate bothersome varicose or spider veins. Or, they can safely turn back the clock and get youthful, dewy skin with a micro laser peel or fractional laser skin resurfacing. Dr. Joshua Korman is renowned for his extensive knowledge and abilities with laser treatments, and his Silicon Valley offices offer laser services that address a variety of common concerns. Laser and intense pulsed light treatments are constantly improving. As these technologies continue to develop, our practice has kept pace. Our staff is experienced in using state-of-the-art lasers to give patients the incredible results they desire. For those considering a laser treatment to achieve cosmetic or health goals, there’s likely a laser that can efficiently deliver satisfactory results. Dr. Korman has offices conveniently located to serve the greater San Jose area. Fill out this online form to schedule a consultation with our dedicated, caring staff.

About Lasers

Lasers are valuable and versatile tools. They can cut steel, but also precisely provide gentle aesthetic benefits to delicate layers of skin. There are many applications for laser technology in cosmetic dermatology, each with unique benefits. Lasers have the ability to improve the appearance of scar tissue, pigmentation issues, skin laxity, and fine lines and wrinkles. They can also eliminate unwanted hair and remove tattoos. Laser technology has drastically improved in the past several years, and harsh treatments have now been replaced by gentler solutions with less downtime and greatly diminished risks of scarring. 

How Do Laser Treatments Work?

Laser treatments harness light wave energy. The frequency of the wavelength can be adjusted to target the correct depth of the skin. When this energy is directed at the skin, it produces a thermal effect in the natural pigments of unwanted blood vessels, hair, tattoos or dark spots. For resurfacing treatments, the water molecules present in the skin are vaporized, eliminating the outer layer of damaged skin. Low-frequency laser wavelengths are able to penetrate deep into the skin to stimulate the production of collagen for tighter, smoother skin, and a healthy batch of new skin cells.

Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing

Fractional Lasers have changed the laser skin treatment landscape. Fractional laser skin resurfacing uses a diffused laser beam that intentionally “misses” microscopic areas of skin so that skin receives less damage, but all of the benefits associated with laser skin resurfacing. The laser energy penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, where it stimulates collagen production and new skin cell growth, which later emerges as a dewy, youthful renewed layer of skin. This treatment is particularly effective to eliminate the signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation issues like dark spots, sun damage, and acne scars.

Laser Hair Removal

Imagine never having to struggle with harsh razors, painful waxes, or noxious depilatories ever again. Laser hair removal harnesses the power of light to specifically target the pigments in the roots of unwanted hair. This thermal effect damages the hair follicle, making it incapable of producing additional hair once the present hair is shed. Because this treatment only affects hair in the active growth phase, laser hair removal requires several sessions for even and effective elimination of unwanted hair. 

Laser Resurfacing

For this powerful skin resurfacing treatment, Dr. Korman uses the Sciton Joule laser system to help patients achieve youthful, radiant skin. This laser resurfacing technology uses short bursts of high-energy laser energy to resurface the skin. What sets the Sciton Joule system apart from other laser treatments is its unique ability to be customized to the patient’s individual skincare concerns. This laser treatment is far more gentle than traditional laser treatments, and patients are able to flaunt smoother, tighter, rejuvenated skin in just two days. 

Leg Vein Treatment

Enlarged, knotty varicose veins or prominent networks of spider veins can be unsightly and uncomfortable. These veins occur most frequently in the legs and are the result of aging, pregnancy, weight gain, or genetics. But, there’s a laser for those too. Laser treatment for leg veins shuts down defective veins and redirects blood flow into healthy less visible veins. It’s crucial to treat varicose veins in a timely manner to avoid the many complications that can follow a compromised vascular system. Laser treatment is a cutting-edge treatment for enlarged veins – without any cutting. This treatment is non-surgical, minimally invasive, and has proven results. 

Microlaser Peel

A microlaser peel works in the same way that a chemical peel does, but uses laser energy instead of harsh acids. By gently removing the outer layer of wrinkled, discolored, and damaged skin, a new fresh layer of skin is revealed and ready to shine. This treatment is particularly effective for those struggling with acne scars. Dr. Korman can adjust the depth of the laser penetration to address a patient’s individual concerns. Like other laser treatments, the carefully controlled injury that this technology imparts stimulates the skin’s natural healing process and the production of critical collagen.

Picoway Laser Tattoo Removal

After several sessions of PicoWay, patients can finally be rid of unwanted tattoos. What seemed like a good idea in your 20’s might just not fit the bill decades later. PicoWay stands out from other tattoo removal treatments because it is able to eliminate many colors of ink that other laser treatments are unable to remove. The PicoWay laser system delivers short bursts of laser energy that break up the ink stored in the skin. Each burst is one picosecond, which is roughly one trillionth of a second. This allows this powerful energy to be safely delivered without damaging the skin. The PicoWay system is also an efficient way to treat other pigmentation issues like birthmarks and melasma.

Thermiva Vaginal Rejuvenation

ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation uses radiofrequency energy to tighten and rejuvenate a woman’s most intimate areas. ThermiVa uses the same proven technology that tightens and rejuvenates delicate facial skin to improve sexual and urinary function. For women that are struggling with the after-effects of childbirth, menopause, or other gynecological issues, ThermiVa is a restorative, non-surgical solution. These treatments do not require anesthesia and offer tighter, stronger vaginal and vulvar tissues. The rejuvenating laser energy is administered via a sleek handpiece that can be safely used internally and externally. ThermiVa allows women to rediscover the joys of sex as well as improving urinary incontinence.

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Candidates For A Personal Consultation

During a personal consultation at our offices in Mountain View, San Jose, or Carmel, patients meet with one of our expert staff members. After a careful examination of the area they’d like to address, and a thorough discussion of their aesthetic or health concerns, we will be able to recommend the best course of treatment. Patients should be prepared to share their medical history and any skin or underlying health conditions to ensure that laser treatment will be safe and effective. To learn more about the latest aesthetic treatments that Dr. Korman offers, follow his blog.

Laser Treatment Procedure

Depending on the laser treatment selected, the patient may or may not require local anesthesia to eliminate any discomfort. Laser treatments utilize strong beams of light to achieve their restorative thermal effect, and patients are given protective eyewear to wear during their laser treatment. Next, based on the specific skin issues discussed, the laser handpiece device will be applied to treat the damaged, discolored, or aging tissue. While treating more superficial layers of the skin, the laser energy will also reach the necessary depth to safely jumpstart the creation of new collagen.

This causes the skin to become smoother, tighter, and fuller, with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. Laser treatment sessions can take from under 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the extent of the treatment and the size of the targeted area. Some aesthetic concerns only need one treatment to achieve the desired outcome. However, if patients require additional treatments, follow-up appointments will be scheduled to allow for adequate recovery and optimal results. Contact our offices today to learn more about the many laser treatments available.


After any laser treatment, patients should avoid sun exposure and use a strong SPF sunblock to protect their new skin from the sun’s powerful rays. Skin will be sensitive and usually takes at least 2 days before redness and sensitivity fully dissipate. Dr. Korman and his staff give their patients personalized after-care instructions, which may include soothing and hydrating ointments or serums. 

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How Much Do Laser Treatments Cost In Silicon Valley?

The cost of laser treatment depends on the type of laser treatment selected, the area being treated, and the number of treatment sessions required to achieve the desired results. Because each patient has unique concerns and skin, their laser regimen will be customized. Patients wishing to anticipate the total cost of their laser treatment therapy should schedule a personal consultation for a comprehensive evaluation.

Laser Treatments FAQs

Why Do Laser Treatments Take More Than One Session?

Why Do Laser Treatments Take More Than One Session?

Because of the high temperatures that occur from the laser’s thermal effect, laser treatments are designed to deliver the maximum amount of energy in the shortest time span possible to avoid overheating and damaging tissue. As a result, multiple short sessions are preferable to fewer, longer sessions. This also allows the skin to heal in between appointments, and for the doctor to monitor a patient’s progress and adjust treatment as necessary.

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  1. Preissig J, Hamilton K, Markus R. Current Laser Resurfacing Technologies: A Review that Delves Beneath the Surface. Semin Plast Surg. 2012;26(3):109-116. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1329413
  2. Whiddon LL. Advances in the treatment of superficial venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2007;20(2):136-139. doi:10.1080/08998280.2007.11928269
  3. Magon N, Alinsod R. ThermiVa: The Revolutionary Technology for Vulvovaginal Rejuvenation and Noninvasive Management of Female SUI. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2016;66(4):300-302. doi:10.1007/s13224-016-0868-0
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Laser Hair Removal

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Laser Resurfacing

Mountain View, San Jose, and Carmel patients seeking to rejuvenate their skin have been turning to Dr. Joshua Korman’s state-of-the-art laser skin resurfacing treatments.

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Mountain View, San Jose, and Carmel patients seeking to rejuvenate their skin have been turning to Dr. Joshua Korman’s state-of-the-art laser skin resurfacing treatments.

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Picoway Laser

The PicoWay laser is a highly effective way to eliminate unwanted tattoos. Tattoos can be an expression of identity or symbolize important moments in a person’s life.

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ThermiVa is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency energy to improve the appearance and function of the vagina.

Dolce Vita, Live Life WellSchedule Your Consultation

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