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Eliminate Your Double Chin with CoolSculpting

If the fat and tissue beneath your chin are adding weight or age to your face, you can permanently eliminate this fat with CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, non-surgical fat elimination solution. Applicable almost anywhere on the body, CoolSculpting will break down the fat on your neck and jawline in an easy, quick session. The results are slim and flattering. Interested in learning more about how CoolSculpting will get rid of your Double Chin for good? Schedule a private consultation with Dr. Joshua Korman today!

What Is CoolSculpting?

Within 45 minutes, the CoolSculpting treatment will be complete. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat elimination method that uses controlled, cold temperatures to destroy stubborn fat cells. The FDA-approved treatment relies on the science of cryolipolysis, or the proven nature of fat cells to break down when exposed to cold temperatures. There are a variety of CoolSculpting applicators available to address targeted treatment areas almost anywhere on the body. Patients frequently read, watch television, or hold a conversation during their CoolSculpting! During a CoolSculpting treatment, the unwanted fat will be exposed to temperatures between 39 and 41, while the surrounding tissue will be kept warm and comfortable.

The applicator will suction gently to the treatment area to guarantee the cooling is applied exactly where it is meant to. The treatment is safe and comfortable to receive. Some patients experience numbness or a mild stinging as a result of the cold, but all recipients say the treatment is still very tolerable. Patients will next receive a massage in their treated area. This will improve the fat elimination and overall outcomes from the procedure. No downtime is required following CoolSculpting. Patients who would like to address their unwanted neck or chin fat will see their desired results within one to two CoolSculpting sessions. CoolSculpting on the chin is performed with the Cool Mini Applicator in order to achieve the best, most targeted results.

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What Choose CoolSculpting For Double Chin?

If you are interested in non-surgical double chin removal, CoolSculpting can be your ideal fat-fighting solution! As early as our twenties, we can begin to develop fat beneath our chins. This fat is often resistant to diet and exercise, leaving people feeling frustrated that their jawline is not as tight and flattering as it used to be. If you are struggling to make a dent in the unwanted fat beneath your chin, you can fight this fat, safely and conveniently, thanks to CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is a highly popular choice for both men and women who want to put the finishing touches on their physique and finally get rid of the stubborn fat concealing their healthy, ideal physique. Thanks to the CoolSculpting Mini Applicator, patients now can reveal their slim, preferred neckline, without the need for a single incision or any downtime! Patients choose CoolSculpting for Double Chin because:

  • The procedure is quick. You can be back to your daily schedule in less than an hour!
  • It works! CoolSculpting will eliminate the fat from under your chin.
  • CoolSculpting makes no marks or incisions. CoolSculpting for Double Chin leaves no scars, a major benefit when treating the tissues around the face.
  • CoolSculpting achieves moderate skin tightening. The chin and jawline will be tighter and smoother.
  • The treatment is comfortable.
  • No downtime is required.
  • Achieve your desired results in one to two sessions.

Once patients receive CoolSculpting to address their double chin, the body will break down the fat cells underneath the chin. The destroyed fat cells will be eliminated from the body over the weeks following the CoolSculpting session through natural processes.


If you have mild to moderate skin elasticity, you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting to address a double chin. Double chin workouts can only go so far! If you have chin fat or neck fat that doesn’t want to budge, no matter how much you diet or exercise, you may be a good candidate for Double Chin CoolSculpting. You don’t have to take time off from your busy schedule to address your pesky chin fat: thanks to CoolSculpting, you can eliminate this unwanted fat and get right back to your day in less than an hour. CoolSculpting is the perfect option for patients with full, busy lives who want to make major cosmetic improvements in the neck and jawline.

Candidates for CoolSculpting should have realistic expectations of the outcomes possible with any cosmetic procedure. CoolSculpting will accomplish a degree of skin tightening, improving the tight contour of the chin and jaw. If you have looser or poor skin laxity, you may be a candidate to achieve your slim, desired appearance with an alternative procedure. After he assesses your case during your private consultation, Dr. Korman will recommend a treatment plan that will address your double chin.

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If you want to get rid of upper neck fat, CoolSculpting can help. Every patient at Korman Plastic Surgery will receive a personal consultation and assessment. During this private appointment, Dr. Korman will assess your chin and presenting fat. Dr. Korman will also consult your medical history, medication use, and overall lifestyle to determine if CoolSculpting will be the best solution for your case. Your consultation is your chance to ask any questions you have about CoolSculpting or any other body contouring solutions we offer. If you are curious or unsure about anything at all, let us know! Once Dr. Korman has a clear sense of what you would like to achieve, he will recommend the chin fat removal option that is right for YOU.

If Dr. Korman believes an alternative option will be best to reduce or remove your double chin, he will let you know during your consultation. Alternative double chin treatments that Dr. Korman offers include Ultherapy, a non-surgical facelift performed with ultrasound energy, or chin liposuction. These procedures each have their benefits and drawbacks, making them excellent options for certain candidates. A double chin can be frustrating for even the healthiest, most physically active individuals. Dr. Korman is here to help! If you would like to learn more about how CoolSculpting will restore a tight, lifted appearance under your chin, call to schedule a consultation at a Korman Plastic Surgery office near you today.

Your CoolSculpting Session

CoolSculpting is a pain-free experience. When you come to Korman Plastic Surgery to receive CoolSculpting to treat your double chin, the treatment area will be sterilized. After the area is marked for treatment, a topical gel will be applied. This will improve treatment outcomes. The CoolMini Applicator will be placed under the chin. The applicator will suction to the skin to guarantee the treatment targets the double chin fat as thoroughly as possible. Your CoolSculpting treatment will last for 35 minutes. During your treatment, the CoolSculpting applicator will subject the unwanted fat to 39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Targeted cooling will effectively cause the fat cells under the chin to break down. The applicator will also heat the surrounding tissue, increasing patient comfort. Once the CoolSculpting session is complete, patients will receive a massage under their chin. This will help with fat breakdown and improve the final outcomes of their treatment. Some patients experience numbness or a slight stinging sensation when the applicator is on them, but say any discomfort is very tolerable.


CoolSculpting requires no recovery! You can return to your day immediately after your session. You will not need to take any time off work following CoolSculpting for a Double Chin. Some patients experience redness, tingling, bruising, or mild swelling in their treatment area following CoolSculpting. These conditions are normal and will subside within a few days of your CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting works while you do! Over the weeks following your CoolSculpting under your chin, your body will be working to dispose of the fat cells destroyed during the CoolSculpting session. The broken down fat cells will be naturally eliminated from the body. Within a month, you will see a major reduction in the size of your double chin. Results will continue to improve for up to 6 months. If another CoolSculpting session is recommended to eliminate any remaining stubborn under-chin fat, you will be able to come back for a second CoolSculpting session after three months.

Results: Goodbye! Double Chin!

You will enjoy a slimmer, smoother neck and jawline. The outcomes of your CoolSculpting for double chin reduction will become apparent over the weeks following your session. Within a month, the fat under your chin will be noticeably smaller. Your double chin will continue to shrink for up to six months after CoolSculpting. The sagging, heavy under-chin appearance will be gone! You will look and feel younger. Fat cells broken down through CoolSculpting do not return. The fat cells broken down by the cryolipolysis treatment are eliminated from the body. Patients who maintain their healthy lifestyle and avoid major weight gain will not see these fat cells return under their chin. You will enjoy a tighter, more lifted neckline and chin definition for years.

Double Chin CoolSculpting FAQ

Is Coolsculpting Safe?

Is Liposuction Better Than Coolsculpting?

Can You Do Coolsculpting On Your Face?

How Much Is Cool Sculpting Under The Chin?

Is Coolsculpting Safe?

CoolSculpting is a safe, popular, FDA-approved fat elimination method. After-effects of CoolSculpting include swelling, redness, tingling or numbness. These will subside within the first week of your CoolSculpting. In rare cases, CoolSculpting can result in paradoxical adipose hyperplasia or the hardening of the treated fat. This poses no threat to patients’ health and can be addressed with liposuction.

Is Liposuction Better Than Coolsculpting?

Whether CoolSculpting or Liposuction is the best fat-eliminating procedure for your case will depend on your presenting fat, your skin laxity, and your personal preference. Both procedures can be ideal solutions when applied in the right case for the right patient. Dr. Korman will discuss the benefits and differences of CoolSculpting versus Liposuction for neck fat removal with you during your private consultation at Korman Plastic Surgery. CoolSculpting is an excellent option for people who want to get rid of the fat under their chins once and for all, but who do not have the time for the downtime required after a surgical procedure. If you will be a better candidate for a double chin surgery like liposuction or facelift, Dr. Korman will let you know during your consultation.

Can You Do Coolsculpting On Your Face?

You can CoolSculpt under your chin! The CoolSculpting mini applicator is designed to target stubborn fat deposits between the face and neck, commonly referred to as a “double chin.” The applicator administers controlled temperatures to the desired fat cells while leaving the surrounding tissues untouched. Your fat cells will be broken down and naturally disposed of through natural processes over the months following CoolSculpting.

How Much Is Cool Sculpting Under The Chin?

The cost of your CoolSculpting chin treatment will depend on the details of your overall cosmetic plan at Korman Plastic Surgery. Once you have agreed upon the details of your treatment plan with Dr. Korman, you will receive an appropriate cost breakdown. Combat your double chin with CoolSculpting! Call Korman Plastic Surgery to learn more today.

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